Friday, March 30, 2012

Installing informix software with infx

When installing Informix, consider installing to a version specific location, instead of accepting the default.

This will allow you to install multiple versions, and switch between them as needed.

For example, to install and test a new version, while the existing version continues to run.

Use the infx idsinstall command to automatically install Informix software to a version specific location.

The IBM Informix software is available for download from

Transfer the downloaded file to your server. The infx default location is /home/informix/tar. Any location can be specified with a full path name.

To install, pass the name of the archive to the infx idsinstall command. infx will perform the following steps:

  1. create temporary location
  2. extract tar to temp location
  3. create new version directory under /infx/sw
  4. run the ids_install command

Note: You are still required to answer prompts and accept the license agreement

By default, the command searches /home/informix/tar for the tar file. Specify an absolute path for a different location.


Install iif.11.70.FC4TL.linux-x86_64.tar to /home/informix/infx/sw/IIF_11.70FC4TL.

/home/informix>sudo /home/informix/infx/scripts/infx idsinstall tar=iif.11.70.FC4TL.linux-x86_64.tar

install from /home/informix/tar/iif.11.70.FC4TL.linux-x86_64.tar
install to /home/informix/infx/sw/IIF_11.70FC4TL
creating tmp /home/informix/tar/tmp
extracting /home/informix/tar/iif.11.70.FC4TL.linux-x86_64.tar
Preparing to install...
Extracting the JRE from the installer archive...
Unpacking the JRE...
Extracting the installation resources from the installer archive...
Configuring the installer for this system's environment...


Installation Complete

Congratulations! IBM Informix Software Bundle installation is complete.

Product install status:
IBM Informix 11.70: Successful
IBM Informix Client-SDK: Successful
IBM Informix JDBC Driver: Successful

For more information about using Informix products, see the IBM Informix 11.70
Information Center at

removing /home/informix/tar/tmp
install complete

The install is complete, software was installed to /home/informix/infx/sw/IIF_11.70FC4TL:

test1@awsvpn02:/home/informix>ls -l /home/informix/infx/sw

total 4
drwxr-xr-x  28 informix informix 4096 Mar 28 21:19 IIF_11.70FC4TL
lrwxrwxrwx.  1 informix informix   17 Mar 27 02:43 latest -> /opt/IBM/informix

create new instance

Next, create an instance using this new version. The infx inst func=new commands allows you to specify the Informix software

demo1bhdr@awsvpn02:/home/informix>infx inst func=new newinst=test1 sw=IIF_11.70FC4TL

INFO: creating instance test1 server: 1 config: infx-config.inst onconfig: infx-small.onconfig


WARNING: overriding /home/informix/infx/inst/test1/informixdir=latest with sw=IIF_11.70FC4TL
INFO: creating /home/informix/infx/inst/test1/informixdir -> /home/informix/infx/sw/IIF_11.70FC4TL
/home/informix/infx/inst/test1/etc/config.ini created
OK: creating onconfig file /home/informix/infx/inst/test1/informixdir/etc/onconfig.test1
from /home/informix/infx/etc/infx-small.onconfig
onconfig from /home/informix/infx/etc/infx-small.onconfig to /home/informix/infx/inst/test1/informixdir/etc/onconfig.test1
for demo1bhdr
sqlhosts: /home/informix/infx/inst/test1/informixdir/etc/sqlhosts
OK: test1 added to sqlhosts
OK: test1sec added to sqlhosts
add alias test1sec to /home/informix/infx/local/etc/sub-awsvpn02.ini

A new instance was created, with an informixdir pointing to the new version. Next step is to initialize the instance.

test1@awsvpn02:/home/informix>infx inst func=init inst=test1 squiggle=yes

execute oninit -ivy
Your evaluation license will expire on 2012-06-26 00:00:00
DS_NONPDQ_QUERY_MEM recalculated and changed from 1024Kb to 128Kb
Reading configuration file '/home/informix/infx/inst/test1/informixdir/etc/onconfig.test1'
Creating /INFORMIXTMP/.infxdirs...succeeded


Forking onmode_mon thread...succeeded
Creating periodic thread...succeeded
Starting scheduling system...succeeded
Verbose output complete: mode = 5

Check the instance list to see the version of each instance:

test1@awsvpn02:/home/informix>infx list

num  inst       status  type  version
0    demo1bhdr  Down    IDS   11.70.FC4IE  IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 11.70.FC4
1    test1      Up      IDS   11.70.FC4TL  IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 11.70.FC4

Each instance is running a different version of Informix.

modify instance

Use the infx func=idir command to change the Informix software directory for an instance.


  • instance stopped
  • ONCONFIG file in new software dirctory
  • sqlhosts entries if required

When ready, change the Informix software version for the test1 instance:

test1@awsvpn02:/infx/sw>infx inst test1 func=idir sw=latest
informixdir /home/informix/infx/inst/test1/informixdir -> /home/informix/infx/sw/latest

Check the instance list to see the version of each instance:

test1@awsvpn02:/infx/sw>infx list

num  inst       status  type  version
0    demo1bhdr  Down    IDS   11.70.FC4IE  IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 11.70.FC4
1    test1      Up      IDS   11.70.FC4IE  IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 11.70.FC4

Now both instances are on the same version.

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