Sunday, December 18, 2011
How to use the infx profile dashboard to get detailed database stats
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Comparing the Infx Management Suite and Open Admin Tool
I have just completed an overview that highlights the differences between infx and the Open Admin Tool. It helps explain what infx does and why you might need it!
You can read it here: Comparing infx and OAT
Feature comparison: infx and OAT feature list
Feel free to post questions in the comments or email me directly for more info. In the near future I hoping to announce the beta version...
Monday, September 26, 2011
infx and onstat testing
I have been independently developing the infx management suite and the testing has gotten to the point where I need some help.
Specifically, what I need is test data, output from Informix onstat commands, message logs and onconfig files.
I am hoping there are people out there who can run some commands on their system, and then send me the output.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
How to: Informix onbar backups from the infx instance dashboard
This video shows you how to run Informix onbar backups using the infx instance dashboard.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
How to: Informix ontape restore using the infx instance dashboard
In this video demonstration see how to run ontape restores using the infx instance dashboard.
Friday, September 2, 2011
How to: Informix ontape backups from the infx instance dashboard
This video shows you how to run Informix ontape backups using the infx instance dashboard.
Monday, August 29, 2011
Introduction to the infx management suite
An introduction and demonstration of the infx management suite, the next generation tool for managing Informix databases.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
How to: Quickly access Informix onstat and onconfig information
Do you frequently find yourself needing quick access to simple information about your Informix instance? Info such as onconfig variables or other parameters?
While you can create templates with infx to specify the information you need, that is overkill when you just want to know something simple, such as the instance server number.
To fill this need, the infx status service has a simple interface that allows ad hoc access to the full details of the onstat parser library.
Lets take the instance server number as an example:
Saturday, June 18, 2011
How to: Informix HDR using infx services
While infx itself does not contain any services for Informix database replication, it can still be used to simplify the process.
The Informix High Availability Data Replication (HDR), is used to replicate all the databases in an Informix instance to another host. Informix Enterprise Replication (ER) is used to replicate individual databases and tables.
In this example I will show how to setup Informix HDR with infx services. The example assumes that Informix and infx are already installed on both servers.
The basic process is:
- create a new instance on the second server
- modify it to be a secondary instance
- copy the primary instance data with the hot copy service
- start HDR on the secondary
- start HDR on the primary
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Inside infx: How the onstat parser works
The majority of information you see from infx has come from the output of the Informix onstat command. Only a small percentage (at this time anyway) comes from the sysmaster database.
There are two reasons for that:
- onstat is available even when sysmaster isn't
- onstat outputs loads of information and it's very fast
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Simplified management of informix databases
My latest challenge has been to bring that experience together into a suite of flexible and easy to use utilities.
I have built the basic or "core" version, it's a start, but there are still more areas to be covered.
What this blog is for:
- announcements about the infx software
- discussion about what it does
- discussion about what it should be doing
And the first announcement is that the site,, is now up with the basic documentation and description of infx.
Up for discussion, am I crazy trying this, or is it about time someone did?