Saturday, May 28, 2011

Inside infx: How the onstat parser works

The majority of information you see from infx has come from the output of the Informix onstat command. Only a small percentage (at this time anyway) comes from the sysmaster database.

There are two reasons for that:

  1. onstat is available even when sysmaster isn't
  2. onstat outputs loads of information and it's very fast

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Simplified management of informix databases

For over 20 years I have been working as a DBA with Informix, and in that time I have been asked by clients to script or automate just about any database related task you can think of.

My latest challenge has been to bring that experience together into a suite of flexible and easy to use utilities.

I have built the basic or "core" version, it's a start, but there are still more areas to be covered.

What this blog is for:
  • announcements about the infx software
  • discussion about what it does
  • discussion about what it should be doing

And the first announcement is that the site,, is now up with the basic documentation and description of infx.

Up for discussion, am I crazy trying this, or is it about time someone did?